How to restore access to the account?

If you were registered via email, go to the authorisation form and reset your password.

If you logged in via Apple / Google / VK, send us a message to

If you don't remember how you logged in but paid for the subscription, send us the receipt to

No emails are received

Please check the spelling of your email address and spam folder.

If it doesn't help, please contact or use our feedback form.

Premium or Pro not working

Check you’re using the right login details. You might have signed up with a different account.

Also check your payment status. If your payment is marked as 'pending' on your bank statement, it might not have gone through successfully. When you submit a payment, your bank puts the funds aside as ‘pending’. If the payment fails, the pending status will expire and the funds will be returned to you.

If you couldn’t figure it out on your own, send us a message to and attach a receipt or indicate the last 4 digits of the bank card with which you paid for the subscription and when it was (date, time). This will help us find your account with a paid subscription and restore your access to it.

How to cancel my subscription?

1) If the subscription was paid by a bank card on the website or in a mobile app for iOS or Android: Log in to the site using the account for which you subscribed, in the upper right corner click on your avatar, then "Settings", there is the "Subscriptions" section and the button next to "Cancel".

2) If the subscription is made in the iOS mobile app through standard Apple payment (in-app purchase): Standard app "Settings"> iCloud (the topmost section)> Subscriptions> Find a subscription, go to it and click Cancel. More info:

3) If the subscription is made in the Android mobile app through the standard Google payment: Standard app "Play Market" > click on your avatar in the upper right corner > Payments and subscriptions > Subscriptions. Find the subscription, go to it and click Cancel. More info:

What are the features of the Premium subscription for listeners?

– Access to all the music
– High quality
– Downloading
– Unlimited skips
– No ads
– Special badge

What are the features of the Pro subscription for DJ?

– Uploading releases
– Statistics
– Access to all the music
– High quality
– Downloading
– Unlimited skips
– No ads
– Special badge

How to pay using non-Russian banking card?

Due to the well-known events, not all payments with cards from banks outside the Russian Federation are successful.

You can pay for a subscription within our mobile apps using the build-in payment systems of the Apple and Google:
App for iOS:
App for Android:

As well you can transfer your payment to our PayPal account and we will activate your subscription manually:

I am a DJ. How to upload my releases here?

At the registration stage or after registration go to settings page and change the type of your account from Listener to DJ.

Afterwards get Pro subscription and choose "Add Release" in the user menu (web version only)

Are there any recommendations for DJs of how to upload releases?

There is a short but important list of recommendations for DJs:
– upload not more than 1 release per day
– use real 320kbps quality
– mixtapes should be divided by tracks + full mixtape
– pay attention to the cover image of the release
– indicate original names of the tracks used in mixtapes (optionally)

Following these recommendations greatly increases your chances of getting into our playlists, charts, radio stations, etc.

How to delete my account?

You can find the delete account button on the settings page.

If you have lost access to your account, but want to delete it, send a message to or use our feedback form